Transforming Psychological Healthcare: The QB-ACT Initiative!

Exciting news! IMG Play, in partnership with KTH, SU, and Region Stockholm will work on integrating Internet-based psychological interventions with advanced e-learning. Thanks to Digital Futures our pioneering Societal Innovation Project aims to go beyond the current research frontier by integrating two well-established but distinct fields: Internet-based psychological interventions and advanced e-learning.

  • Building Bridges: Creating an Interactive Online Intervention 
  • Testing the Waters: Assessing QB-ACT’s Impact on Mental Health 
  • Understanding Engagement: Unlocking Key Insights 
  • Alleviating Pressure: Exploring QB-ACT’s Role in Healthcare 
  • Sharing Success: Disseminating QB-ACT’s Findings to Drive Change

Crafting Connections! Integrating QBL and ACT for Personalized Therapy

At the core of our endeavor lies the fusion of question-based learning (QBL) techniques with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This integration aims to create a dynamic and tailored online therapeutic experience, empowering individuals to navigate their mental health journey with confidence. 

Digital Futures: Pioneering Societal Change through Digital Innovation 

At the forefront of our collaborative efforts lies Digital Futures, a cross-disciplinary research center. Established in 2020 through a strategic collaboration between KTH, Stockholm University, and RISE. Digital Futures embodies a vision of harnessing the power of technology for positive social impact. 



The QB-ACT project stands as a beacon of hope in transforming psychological healthcare delivery. With the unwavering support of Digital Futures and our esteemed collaborators, we embark on a journey to improve mental health outcomes for individuals in Region Stockholm and beyond. Stay tuned as we undertake on this transformative endeavor! 

The research project unites a varied team comprising specialists in clinical psychology, Internet-based psychological interventions, and members from IMG Play’s edu-tech department. IMG Play will specialize in large-scale e-learning technology and instructional design.






More on Digital Futures


IMG Play has been honored with the prestigious 2023 Børsen Gazelle award!

IMG_play is honored to receive the 2023 Børsen Gazelle award, and we extend our gratitude to our dedicated team, partners, and customers who have played a vital role in our journey.  

This recognition is a testament to our unwavering commitment to growth and excellence.

The Børsen Gazelle Award is given to rapidly growing and successful companies. It’s typically awarded to businesses that demonstrate substantial growth in revenue or gross profit over a specific number of years, while also displaying sound finances.

The award acknowledges our dedication to advancing the boundaries of success. The Børsen Gazelle award, organized by the renowned Danish financial newspaper, Børsen, is a celebration of small and medium-sized businesses that have achieved remarkable growth and success. This year, in 2023, IMG_play has emerged in Denmark’s business landscape, garnering the prize. It recognizes our consistent efforts in driving innovation and contributing to the Danish business community.  

Learn more about the Børsen Gazelle Prize 

Get in touch with us



Improvements in Txtplay- IMG Play’s proprietary software

Txtplay handles AI tools such as ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition), also known as speech-to-text. Txtplay will always use the ASR version with the highest accuracy and quality. Txtplay can also integrate with our partner’s video platforms, allowing our customers to utilize the best speech-to-text AI directly within their video platform for a streamlined workflow. 

With automatic speech recognition (ASR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) recognizes the words spoken in your video and delivers machine-based texts for indexing, subtitling, and searching. The result is good and usable, but not always perfect.

Since Friday the 20th of October, you’ll notice remarkable enhancements with Txtplay for the following languages:  

  • Cantonese (yue) 
  • Catalan (ca) 
  • Czech (cs) 
  • Finnish (fi) 
  • Greek (el) 
  • Hindi (hi) 
  • Hungarian (hu) 
  • Malay (ms) 
  • Polish (pl) 
  • Russian (ru) 
  • Thai (th) 
  • Vietnamese (vi) 
  • Arabic (ar) 
  • Danish (da) 
  • Dutch (nl) 
  • Italian (it) 
  • Japanese (ja) 
  • Korean (ko) 
  • Mandarin (cmn) 
  • Norwegian (no) 
  • Portuguese (pt) 
  • Swedish (sv) 

What exactly will you notice? 

Enhanced Accuracy: Get ready for even more accurate transcriptions! 
Speaker Diarization: Improved speaker distinction in multi-speaker content. 
Faster Transcriptions: Lightning-fast results for a more efficient workflow.




Try this today on

Everything you need to know to get started with your captions today!

Please tell us your opinion

Review Txtplay on Trustpilot, Review Txtplay on Google, Review Txtplay on Capterra.

Udviklere søges til IMG_Play – specialister i videostreaming

IMG_Play vokser, og vi søger derfor nye kolleger til vores team. Du skal dog kun søge stillingen, hvis du har lyst til en fleksibel arbejdsplads, hvor arbejdsglæde er et must, og du er ok med at få spændende opgaver og medindflydelse.

Vi er til gengæld åbne for og fleksible omkring at finde en passende løsning til dig, hvad end du leder efter et fuldtids-, deltids-, halvtid eller studiejob.

Hvem er IMG_Play?

Vi hjælper vores kunder at skabe værdi gennem video. Vores kunder er både mediehuse, offentlige organisationer samt private virksomheder i Norden og Europa.

Hos IMG_Play ved vi noget – en del faktisk – om, hvordan man succesfuldt bruger video til at gøre en forskel i sin forretning.

Vi er en teknologivirksomhed, men uden in-house platform. I stedet lytter vi til kundens behov og business case, inden vi lægger os fast på, hvilken teknisk løsning vi anbefaler, og som vi kan være med til at implementere og udvikle. Vores uafhængighed sikrer, at vi kan yde vores kunder bred og troværdig rådgivning og samtidig, at vi kan levere unikke løsninger og applikationer. Vores job er at kende til de nyeste teknologier, platforme og realiteter inden for et komplekst felt.

Vores kerneydelser er rådgivning inden for videostrategi, valg af videoplatform samt leverance, integration, udvikling af middleware applikation og drift af videoplatforme.

Stillingen som udvikler er en unik mulighed for at arbejde sammen med nogle af de mest erfarne specialister inden for videoområdet i Norden. Vi har alle en teknisk baggrund og har arbejdet med software, webudvikling og videostreaming i rigtig mange år.

Hos IMG_Play bliver du med andre ord en del af et krydsfelt, hvor mediebranchen møder tech-brancen.

Hvad skal du lave?

Dine opgaver vil bestå i at implementere og servicere videoløsninger fra de førende SaaS-videoplatforme såsom Kaltura, Brightcove, JW Player og IBM-video cloud. Vi udnytter platformenes muligheder og bygger API-baseret bro og workflows mellem tekniske og forretningskritiske systemer såsom CMS (typisk Drupal, Sitecore og WordPress) samt LMS. Du vil ofte skulle læse og forstå API-dokumentation, udvikle og drifte webapplikationer og løbende sætte dig ind i nye teknologier og rådgive vore kunder ift. den bedste udnyttelse heraf.

Vi foretrækker at teste mulige løsninger og bygge prototyper som en del af vores arbejdsmetode. Du vil komme til at arbejde sammen med kolleger, der har god teknisk forståelse og indsigt i kundens krav og forretning. Andre opgaver kan eksempelvis være at opbygge automatiserede workflows, hvor live og vod produceret indhold fra produktionsfaciliteter automatisk integreres og distribueres ud på eksempelvis apps på smart tv’s og mobile enheder.

Dine kompetencer

Vi er mindre interesserede i dine eksamensbeviser og mere i din motivation og dit gåpåmod samt din vilje og evne til at lære nyt.

Det er dog vigtigt, du har et godt kendskab til softwareudvikling og specifikt med PHP og JavaScript, men også meget gerne node.js og Ruby.

Gode engelskkundskaber er en nødvendighed. Du kan overskue og scope opgaver præcist og evner hele tiden at tænke i løsninger. Og du kan sætte dig ind i en kundes behov, og du har en god forståelse for dine egne kompetencer. Det er afgørende, at du er 100 % selvkørende og opsøgende i forhold til ny viden på udviklingsområdet. Endelig ser vi helst, at du har:

  • Erfaring med OOP PHP7 og MySQL/MariaDB
  • Erfaring med REST API’er og samspillet mellem backend og frontend
  • Kendskab til Linux/ Nginx/Apache og lettere serveradministration
  • Kendskab til enten et moderne JavaScript framework (React, Angular, VueJS, etc), eller vanilla JS
  • Kendskab til videoencoding, asset management og DRM er en fordel, men ikke et krav

Fleksible rammer og fokus på arbejdsglæde

Jobbet er ikke tilgængeligt for freelancere. Vi leder efter faste medlemmer af vores team – men vi er meget fleksible i forhold til at aftalerammer, timeantal eller faste dage, som passer dig.

Det er vigtigt for os, at det er sjovt og spændende at gå på arbejde, og at der er en sund balance mellem arbejde, fritid og familie. Og det er ikke bare noget, vi siger i et jobopslag, det er noget vi praktiserer.

Vi værner om et godt arbejdsmiljø og en afslappet stemning på kontoret. Vores lyse kontor i København ligger ved havnefronten på Christianshavn med udsigt over havnen.

I disse ret fantastiske rammer tilbyder vi en ansættelse med rig mulighed for ansvar og selvbestemmelse, og vi prioriterer, at der er tid til at lære nyt og dygtiggørelse.

Hvis det lyder som noget for dig, så skriv til og fortæl hvorfor. Vedhæft dit CV og tilføj gerne din LinkedIn-profil, hvornår du kan starte og forventninger til løn og timeantal.

Der er ingen ansøgningsfrist men vi holder løbende samtaler indtil den rette kandidat er fundet.

Spørgsmål kan rettes til Karsten Vandrup Westh på mobil: 2333 9929 eller eller Jesper Dall på mobil: 2812 2944 eller

IMG_Play delivers Danish Defense Command TV

IMG_Play has won the bid to deliver the Defense Command Denmark online video solution.

The Danish armed forces have a long history – and a big archive of historic and current video material from all branches of the armed forces.

IMG_Play is happy to announce the delivery of a full online video platform solution,, that allows viewers to enjoy hours of both historic and recent video content.

The solution contains features like;

  • Customized Video Portal
  • Support for all screens and devices
  • “Timeline” navigation of content
  • Migration from legacy platform
  • Ingest and metadata


“We are very honored to have been selected by the Defense Command to deliver their new and updated Video solution.

Visual communication is continuing to grow in importance, and ease of use and easy discovery of content is key to growing your viewership base.”

Mads Kaysen, IMG_Play


IMG_Play are specialists in Online Video solutions, providing both Development and Professional Services as well as Video Platforms.


The solution is built on the Kaltura framework, along with customized front-end in corporation with Kathart.

IMG_Play wins tender for Danish Parliament TV

The Danish Parliament – Folketinget – announced yesterday the award of contract for their next generation Online TV solution.

IMG will deploy a solution that automatically captures streams from both plenary and committee sessions, and make them available both live and on-demand for the public.

The solutions will contain advanced features, like;

  • Multiple simultaneous live streams
  • Time-shifting (rewind/restart sessions)
  • Zero turn-around from Live to On-demand
  • Automated metadata capture and categorizing
  • Support for all screens and devices
  • Social sharing features

Everything will be integrated with existing digital platforms, and state-of-the-art video players will provide a platform independent and responsive user experience.

With hours and hours of daily content produced and massive amounts of metadata, IMG is proud to have been selected to deploy the next-generation solution of Online TV.

“As citizens and societies become increasingly digital, our political processes should remain open and available for everyone. Leveraging digital channels and ensuring that Folketinget is available on all platforms and devices is central to achieve this goal.”

“With the advances of AI and big data, it will be key to capture, organize and sustain a library of digital video with associated metadata. Certainly, as traditional TV viewing declines and new digital services become the norm, the ability to match legislation processes to video content could provide for exciting opportunities to match citizens interests to TV content from the Parliament in new ways and using new channels in the future”

Mads Kaysen, Partner, IMG

The solution will deploy in 2018, and replace the current legacy Flash Video based solution.

IMG_Play are specialists in Online Video and OTT solutions, providing both Advisory services as well as Development and Professional Services.

TED contract award notice here.

Danish Parliament Plenary Room

Industry Trends – Key takeaways from IBC 2017

This post reflects on some of the Key Trends and take-aways from the 2017 IBC conference.

IBC had its 50th anniversary this year, and as the 2017 edition is coming to an end, now is a good time for personal reflections on the key industry trends.

Underlying basically everything and every conversation is still the continued slide towards IP-based distribution, and digitization in general.

As traditional broadcast evolves and OTT becomes more and more important, for me a key topic this year was automation.

From the professional and production side, automation of workflows means faster and more lean production lines. Interesting to see how platform providers originally focused on the ingest, transcoding and distribution of IP-based (streaming) content now offers more and more tools that integrate into the production workflows. Ooyala and Vimond presented interesting product releases

Along the same lines, a key topic for 2017 was automated metadata. While the term “AI” is widely misused, certainly the focus on data and data management is becoming a key factor.

Tools that help automate metadata generation by using tools such as facial recognition, speech-to-text, OCR and more advanced machine learning was a hot topic. OTT platforms such as Kaltura now offers automated speech-to-text as default in their product offering.

Certainly, the value of data is crystal clear to everyone. The ability to create personalized recommendation and even interfaces to content will separate early generation OTT services from the new generation of service offerings. Accedo showcased interesting frameworks for managing personalized experiences across a multi-device setup.

Because Netflix bulldozed the OTT revolution using an SVOD model, the role of data in Video Advertising have been somewhat dormant in this initial phase. There were lots of examples and talks of the SVOD model being supplemented, and HVOD (Hybrid-VOD) business models that also includes some level of targeted “TV” advertising might very well be the next wave.

Examples of HVOD can be founds both from providers such as Hulu, but also traditional broadcasters like TV2 Denmark have just recently launched and HVOD model, where consumers can get access to the SVOD service (TV2PLAY) for a reduced price, if they accept advertising in addition to the subscription fee.

The role of Social Media, and in particular the impact of data-mining giants Facebook and Google continues to be the center of discussion. Will broadcast ultimately suffer the fate of publishing, and see the buy-side shift their ad spend to social – especially as we will see more and more services like Facebook Watch in the future?

Certainly, there are lots of reason to come back to Amsterdam for IBC 2018, and continue to explore the answers to the questions raised by the fundamental shift in the TV- and Broadcast industry.

IMG_Play Group launches operations in Denmark and Sweden – builds brand channel “Food TV” for Metronome.

“The Online Video market have matured and become advanced to a point, where enterprises and organizations can seldom maximize value using a single platform from a single vendor.

A full video value chain requires partners who are agnostic to particular platforms and can help bridge the components of a business critical video solution”

IMG_Play is the only Nordic provider in the Online Video space working un-biased, providing clients with consulting and system integrations services to help them drive more value from their next-generation OVP solutions.

Being established since 4 years in Norway, IMG_Play Group now expands operations in Denmark and Sweden.

The partners in Denmark include Online Video Platform (OVP) veterans Mads Kaysen and Karsten Vandrup, founders of Arkena, which in 2011 became part of french TDF Group.

“Having worked as pioneers in the OVP market, we now see the usage of video reaching a level, where the connection to the strategic roadmap for brands and companies becomes essential. Online Video has taken a journey from being “fun on the side”, growing to become important and now having reached a level where it is business critical”, explain Mads Kaysen, Chief Commercial Office at IMG_Play.

“We see many brands and enterprises struggling to drive value from their investments in communicating using video. No one questions the potential, but implementation is tough. We work to set very clear KPIs, and we are the only ones in the market focusing solely on value creation, with no obligations towards specific platforms or technologies”.

“Having worked as a platform provider for many years, I could see how limiting it is for the customers to seek advice from vendors who ultimately aim to sell their own platform. There was really no-where to turn, and also no specialized system integrators in the market, who could connect the dots. This is key idea behind IMG_Play”.

IMG_Play have already launched the successful Food TV channel for Metronome ( and recently won the tender to supply ATP – Denmarks national 100 Billion euro pension fund – with digital communication services.

“We have in our short life-time as a startup company build some great cases, and the pipeline is strong. There is really a solid response to our proposition to get serious about creating value using video. I believe IMG complements the technology providers in a natural way, and our professional services arm can help platforms becoming even more anchored in the customer technology stack”, Mads Kaysen continues.

”Apart from our consulting and development capacity, we have also launched an analytics service. While many video platforms provide customers with the opportunity to get data about their video performance, often we see these are not fully utilized.

Taking the responsibility to gather, analyze and present data to the customers is a something we see a great need for. Video doesn’t end when the content is created or delivered. IMG_Play adds qualitative input to the system-generated quantitative data, to bring the analytics to a more tangible level for our customers.”

IMG_Play have been well received also by the OVP and technology providers, and we aim to partner with all of the best providers of video stack components, to the benefit of everyone.”

For more information, please contact;

Mads Kaysen, Partner and CCO – mobile +45 2615 9192

IMG_Housewarming 5’th of February 2016

Kære Venner
(English version below)

Eftersom IMG_Play nu er en realitet og vi har åbnet nyt kontor i fantastiske lokaler vil vi gerne invitere venner, familie, partnere og alle andre til vores Housewarming.

Kom forbi og nyd tagterrassen, kom forbi og nyd en kold øl, kom forbi og møde fantastiske mennesker. Uanset hvad, kom fordi og hils på.

Vi sørger for kolde øl, varm kaffe og hvad der hører sig til.

Vi glæder os til at markere begyndelsen på et nyt fantastisk eventyr sammen med jer!

Kærlig Hilsen

Mads & Karsten


Dear Friends

As IMG_Play recently opened our new office in Copenhagen, we would like to invite all friends, familiy, partners and everyone else to our Housewarming.

Stop by to see our fantastic view, stop by to meet amazing people, stop by for a beer – whatever the reason, please do stop by.

We will make sure beers are cold, the coffees warm and snack are abundant.

Looking forward to welcoming you.

Mads & Karsten

RSVP on facebook

Strandgade 27B :: plan 5 :: 1401 København K :: Denmark