IMG_Play wins tender for Danish Parliament TV
The Danish Parliament – Folketinget – announced yesterday the award of contract for their next generation Online TV solution.
IMG will deploy a solution that automatically captures streams from both plenary and committee sessions, and make them available both live and on-demand for the public.
The solutions will contain advanced features, like;
- Multiple simultaneous live streams
- Time-shifting (rewind/restart sessions)
- Zero turn-around from Live to On-demand
- Automated metadata capture and categorizing
- Support for all screens and devices
- Social sharing features
Everything will be integrated with existing digital platforms, and state-of-the-art video players will provide a platform independent and responsive user experience.
With hours and hours of daily content produced and massive amounts of metadata, IMG is proud to have been selected to deploy the next-generation solution of Online TV.
“As citizens and societies become increasingly digital, our political processes should remain open and available for everyone. Leveraging digital channels and ensuring that Folketinget is available on all platforms and devices is central to achieve this goal.”
“With the advances of AI and big data, it will be key to capture, organize and sustain a library of digital video with associated metadata. Certainly, as traditional TV viewing declines and new digital services become the norm, the ability to match legislation processes to video content could provide for exciting opportunities to match citizens interests to TV content from the Parliament in new ways and using new channels in the future”
Mads Kaysen, Partner, IMG
The solution will deploy in 2018, and replace the current legacy Flash Video based solution.
IMG_Play are specialists in Online Video and OTT solutions, providing both Advisory services as well as Development and Professional Services.
TED contract award notice here.

Danish Parliament Plenary Room